Morning workouts….Pffff
Remember when I said that I was going to get up every morning and workout before starting my day? Ya, well that never happened. In my mind it seemed like the perfect plan for me, but it is a dream. I get my 7 hours of sleep most nights, some nights I get more. I just can’t drag myself out of bed before 6 am! Admittedly, I didn’t even try it.
Instead, I workout after the little ones are in bed. This means I am working out anywhere from 7:30 to 9 pm at night…depending on the activity that evening and what time everyone gets tucked in. Most nights I am able to work out between 7-8 pm. Without going into details…..really it’s about who is home, who can help and what I need to do before I can get to it. You should know though that I never make excuses for why I don’t need to work out. This is NOT an option. Wednesday night, my nieces were in town, it was a last minute plan, but they were popping in for a visit. I knew the only way I would get my workout in, is if I got it done earlier. On this night, Rose who is usually in bed shortly after 6 pm, decided she wasn’t going to bed. Of course, isn’t this always the way. So I sat her on the couch and thanked god my workout was only 35 minutes and not the usual 50 minute one. She was amused, and watched me, along with Jack -who also tries his hardest to do the exercises with me. It wasn’t until the last 10 minutes when she decided to get off the couch and weave herself between me and my yoga mat-she did me a favour really, as she supported my body weight with hers! To give you a complete visual, picture me in tabletop position, with my elbows on the floor, with one arm to the side, my ankle weights strapped onto my legs. Me doing various repetitions with one leg at a time, switching sides. At one point she stood up and proceeded to use my butt as a drum. This amused them both-me not so much. If I had a video of it, maybe I would have gotten it; after all it is the “Brazilian Butt Lift” program in which you do shake your booty and play the pretend drums. I guess what I am trying to say is sometimes it is harder to get that time for yourself, but you do the best you can! Don’t use your children as an excuse not to do your workout, don’t use excuses in general. I know there are days where you are tired, but by 7 pm at night, every night I am pretty much ready for bed. I look in the mirror and I see my progress, I think of my focus and my clear mind, not to mention my overall outlook on life and I can’t let myself down! Hearing Jack my 6 year old tell me how strong I am, and the absolute adoration he regularly shows for me is so worth it. Do this for yourself first, but recognise that doing it benefits everyone else around you as well.