How much can you fit into a day?
Today is an extremely productive day. It all started with that very cute little toddler named Rose. Who needs alarms when you have a toddler!? I am going to round up and say it was 6 am and not 5 or 5:45 am. It was pitch black, but that doesn’t stop that girl from opening a closed door and navigating to our bedroom. It is like deja vu! Jack at that age, actually a little older than Rose is now he would do the same, but he roared to wake us up. Rose instead opens our bedroom door and yells in her toddler voice, “Mum, Mum, Mum, Mum, Mum,” well you get the idea. She then proceeds to my side of the bed, climbs into our bed and is all quiet and cute, until the poking begins. After she gets bored of that, she uses our bed- with us in it as a mosh pit. Yes, that’s right, she just throws herself in any general direction. It is quite terrifying and the overwhelming fear of her tossing herself off our bed, ensures that I will not be going back to sleep. Ultimately, she has done me a favor, being up earlier ensures that I won’t be running to get out of the house because I hit sleep too many times. Who knew, everyone should have a toddler in their life.
I have to be honest, I LOVE going to work, yes that’s right! I don’t feel bad admitting that and I certainly do not have any guilt about it. I drop that little angel at her caregivers (bless that woman, patience of a saint) and I enjoy that drive across the city to the West end, even on the days that traffic has me on the road for an hour. I sip at my smoothie and listen to something that isn’t my children and the best part is I am ALL BY MYSELF! I enjoy my day, even when it is a stressful one, luckily there are not too many of those. I drink as much coffee as I want, I eat every 2-3 hours and welcome adult conversation. My day always flies by, probably because I am enjoying the ‘me’ time so much! At 4 pm I get in my car and begin the long drive home….okay, it’s more like 20-60 minutes, it really depends on the weather and the day. I don’t mind, I take my time, Andrew picks up the kids and we meet at home. I have a very sweet deal. I really appreciate that man! By the time I get home I am re-charged and all in. Jack has homework, reading and then free time. Rose usually whines and cries and clings to Daddy while we both try and get a healthy dinner on the table. Sometimes, its just me, I am okay with that, she doesn’t want me she wants him. Daddy’s girl, love it! I know that time goes by so fast and that this part of our life, the hustle and bustle, the always moving, always on the go, always needing to do something…its all temporary. I know that when the littlest of our children are old enough to not need us, we will be missing them and the craziness attached.
I came home today, dealt with my toddler in her finest hour. She is pretty clever and she isn’t even three. She frightens me, but I look forward to all the challenges that come with her. After dinner and some necessary cuddling and Rose was in bed, I started prepping a dish to have with dinner tomorrow night. After I cooked what I needed, I put it aside and I went and did my 20 minute work-out. Kyle interrupted it with a phone call to be picked up from the mall. It was pretty friggin cold, sure I will come and get you-done! Workout finished and Andrew away at the gym, I completed the dish that needed to now be baked, and its in the oven. I made Jack’s lunch, all the while thinking he is seven now he should really be doing this now. However, Jack was at soccer. His oldest brother is his coach, very handy. He takes him to his soccer twice a week. A lifesaver, it really is. Jack came home around 8ish and of course is famished. Cereal it is, little man AND a banana, he must have worked hard! Jack decides he wants to play this song for me. “Don’t laugh at me.” Oh my goodness, this sweet boy knows all of the lyrics to this kids song. I feel like crying…Jack is just so awesome. If you met him, you would understand. He is this quiet, but always listening child. He has his fathers wit and always says the right thing at the right time. He is extremely honest with his words and is blunt and to the point. Seven year old awesomeness. Thankfully, I held myself together….that over-whelming love you feel for your child….it’s hard to express and tears are sometimes the only answer. He then lines up some vines of animals doing very funny things, titled, “Try not to laugh.” See Jack just knows what you need when you need it, especially after that song. He really is his fathers son-mini Andrew. We laughed at the video’s, he got ready for bed and I tucked him in. I took my dish out of the oven and thought…well while its cooling, I will go and write a bit. So that’s where I am now, I just got up and put the cooled dish in the fridge and I need to wrap this up. Tomorrow is Wednesday already and I can’t believe it! I only hope that I will have the energy tomorrow that I have today. I feel like I need to squeeze as much as I possibly can into every minute of my day. Sometimes I have to remember to breathe, but every night I get into bed put on my headphones and put on my meditation track. It lets me refuel for the next day. I love my life, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Some days are harder than others and some are easier. Everyday is a mystery and everyday provides an element of entertainment that comes with a house full of kids. After all if you can’t laugh at your life, then what’s the point.